A Space For Connection

Breathwork, Men’s Groups, Reiki and more

Exclusivity, Personalised classes, led by experienced teachers

At Let’s Get Lost we honor the high standards of our classes, events, and courses keeping them to a maximum of 10 students creating an exclusive environment, allowing for a higher quality of learning experience for the students and more 1-on-1 time with the teachers. All our teachers come with vast experience and knowledge ready to pass on their wisdom to their students whether it’s Breathwork, Reiki, Yoga, Men’s Groups and more.

Let’s Get Lost Ubud

Whats On This Week:

Breathwork and Ice bath class schedule

Check out our upcoming events

We host weekly events and workshops including Breathwork, Yoga, Cacao ceremonies and Bali history. Check them out

Nourish your soul

Our self-sustaining eco-center offers a soothing and supportive environment for you to reconnect with the wisdom of your body. Ours is a space to create community. An off-the-beaten-path, home-away-from-home for transformational workshops and retreats. Let’s Get Lost is the perfect Bali sanctuary to practice breathwork, meditation, yoga, and Qigong in a fresh, open setting. Here you can truly restore yourself and re-root back to the Earth.

Upcoming Events, Classes & Trainings

  • Upcoming Events & Workshops

    We run regular monthly events & workshops, click here to check out more.

    Upcoming breathwork event bali
  • Reiki Courses & Teacher Training

    Dive into a universal energy that is used to heal physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances.

  • Men´s Group, In-person & Online

    Join a committed group of men in Ubud, Bali or an online group from anywhere in the world.

    Men's Group Ubud Bali

Feed your body

Become Embodied

 Embodiment connects the body to the mind and spirit. Our space will allow you to reflect on the needs of your physical and mental self, then allow your energy to shift to respect those needs. Let’s Get Lost promotes thoughtful and reflective practices to build your holistic sense of well-being. We believe in the power of breathwork and meditation, along with building a sense of community and belonging. With less noise and distraction, we can discover clarity and re-discover ourselves. We believe that time spent at LGL is the perfect opportunity to come home to your body and silence your mind.

A Space for Connection

Everyone is supported at Let’s Get Lost to help connect to their emotions and a greater community. Through community building, connection to nature, and a variety of self-healing techniques we help people better understand themselves and each other. We believe that everyone is connected, and we are all experiencing the same universal problems. We believe in helping each other.

Commitment to Sustainability

Protecting your peace and mother nature is our priority. As such, time at Let’s Get Lost will impact you and not the environment. LGL is completely semi off-grid and runs off of nature’s elements. We use solar power, wind and rain energy to keep our facilities running. So, when you visit LGL, you can rest assured you’re only utilising what Bali chooses to provide. We proudly guarantee an excellent space for our clients and for the planet.

Follow our journey.

Honour your mind

Envision yourself in a garden, surrounded by vibrant, jungle greenery. Burnt orange fishes glide through a pond at your side and herons wade through swaying rice fields. A fire warms your back as the sun sets beyond the gates of your hidden hideaway. You sit with dear friends, enjoying the view together. Peace, joy, and a powerful sense of connectedness wash over you. You are one with the Earth and one with your community. Let’s Get Lost welcomes you to make this vision of tranquility your reality.

“It is our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.” - David Attenborough